Cookie Dough

The essentials


  • 200g ground almonds
  • 150g ground hazelnuts
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 20g melted coconut butter or normal butter if you’re not dairy free
  • 7 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 150g dark chocolate chips
Makes 20 balls

Combine the ground almonds and hazelnuts in a food processor. Add the salt. Add the maple syrup and vanilla extract. 
Slowly melt the butter in a Pyrex dish over a pan of boiling water. Slowly add the melted butter to the nuts mixture until combined. 
Using approximately 1 tablespoon of the mixture use your hands to make small balls of the mixture and place on baking paper. 
Place in the freezer for approximately one hour and then keep in the fridge ready to eat!

A little bit extra

These are a really yummy snack or can be combined with our vanilla ice cream (coming soon) to make cookie dough ice cream as a great dessert.
1 serving of our cookie dough gives you the following goodness:

Carbohydrates: 5.3g

Fats: 16.3g

Protein: 3.1g

Sugars: 4g

Calories: 183